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Fire Protection Pipes and Fittings Installation Method Statement

This method statement covers the detailed procedure for installation of Fire Protection Pipes and Fittings.

Procedure also defines the method used to ensure that the pipe work and fittings installation has been carried out as per the contract specification requirements.

This method will be applicable for the installation of Fire Pumps, Valves, Zone control valves assemblies and Breeching inlets.

Mandatory personnel protective equipment shall be provided and shall be implemented at site i.e. Helmets, Safety Shoes, Coveralls, Masks, Hand Gloves and Safety Glasses.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Construction manager is over-all responsible for the implementation of the method statement, to ensure that the team of engineers and foreman are aware of correct procedure, and to ensure that all resources (labor, material and equipment) are available to carry out the firefighting piping installation work as planned.

Project Engineer is responsible to carry out the work as per the approved method statement. He is also responsible to ensure adequate equipment for performing the works are in place prior to the start of work.

QA/QC Engineer is responsible to ensure work has been done as per the specification and drawings, inspections are done as per Quality Control Procedure and Inspection and Test plan, and all work are offered to consultant for inspection.

The Safety Engineer is responsible to ensure that all safety precautions are in place and that all personnel onsite are using the Personal Protective Equipment (helmet, gloves, safety shoes, coveralls, eye protection etc.). He must also ensure that all relevant permissions are available for the works.

Necessary Tools & Equipment

Pre-Installation Checks

Ensure that all safety requirements are in place in accordance with project safety plan.

Ensure that the latest revision of the approved shop drawing are used and controlled as per the project quality plan.

All material shall be transported to the site by the supplier and care shall be taken by the store keeper to ensure that all the material are not damaged during transit.

Special care shall be taken to protect the pipe from moisture, corrosion and rust, these shall be covered with polythene cover.

On receipt of the material at site, QA/QC Engineer/ Site Engineer shall inspect the material internally and inspection shall be offered to the Engineer for approval in MIR (Material Inspection Request) form.

Ensure all the materials used, have passed receiving inspection in accordance with QA procedures and are not damaged or defective. Any non-conforming materials must be labelled by storekeeper and returned to quarantine area in accordance with QA procedure.

Ensure that all pipe fitters and helpers are aware of the correct materials handling and installation procedure to ensure best quality of workmanship. Training shall be provided by Site engineers/ Supervisor as and when required.

All pipes and fittings shall be cleaned by approved cleaning agent before installation.

The inside of all pipes, fittings shall be smooth, clean and free from blisters, loose mill scale, sand and dirt prior to the installation.

Main Contractor to ensure that prior to installation of pipes, all building surfaces to which supporting systems fixed are completed to acceptable tolerance and are in a suitably clean and dry condition. Any unsatisfactory conditions are to be reported to Project Manager and installation shall not proceed until corrective action measures have been taken.

Ladders, Step ladders and scaffoldings during construction shall be used at site as per the project safety plan.

Prior to start the work, Fire Fighting Engineer/ Supervisor from the execution team shall ensure that the latest “approved Shop drawings” are available at site.

Installation of pipe shall be coordinated with architectural, structural and MEP work for a fit for purpose installation. Any deviation shall be intimated to the engineer for approval in Field Design Change Request (FDCR)/Field Adjustment Form.

Supervisor shall ensure equipment and correct tools are available for installation-operation and to achieve compliance with contract requirement.

Firefighting Pipes & Fitting Installation

Before installing any pipe work at high level, site engineer shall ensure that all dirt, scale and other foreign material is removed from inside the piping before fixing.

Ensure and confirm the Cut pipe ends shall be clean, square, and free from distortion, burr and dent.

Ensure and confirm that the pipe ends are smooth and clean.

All the pipes shall be joined with other pipes with approved jointing material.

Pipes & fittings up to the size of 50mm will be joined together by threaded joints.

Threaded pipes shall be joined with other pipes with approved boss white and jute/ Teflon tape for small size pipes.

The pipes shall be tightened with pipe wrench to the required tightening pressure protecting the outer surface of pipe from the damage of wrench teeth.

Union/Couplings of approved materials shall be provided for connecting the pipes.

All joints shall be carefully reamed and jointing compound/ Tape should be applied on male threads only.

The pipes and fittings shall be painted as per approved material submittal.

Pipe joining from 65 mm to 200 mm diameter shall be of grooved system.

Flexible Coupling shall be installed wherever required in expansion, contractions and or deflection caused by temperature change to the pipe line.

Pipes shall be joined with flanged coupling wherever required on the drawing and site condition.

Reducing coupling shall be installed wherever required and designed with rubber gasket (as per approved material) to prevent smaller pipe size from telescoping in to larger pipe in vertical assembly installation.

Elbow with 90°, 45 ° bend etc., shall be joined with grooved coupling.

Pipes shall be joined by reducing tee wherever required as per drawing. Reducing tee shall be joined with pipe where the branches are taken from main line.

Pipes shall be joined by mechanical tee wherever required as per drawing and site condition.

Pipes shall be joined by Concentric and Eccentric Reducer wherever the pipes are reduced with the main line as per drawing requirement.

Valves fittings shall be provided as per approved shop drawings and material submittal as applicable wherever it is required. The valves fittings shall be installed at locations where easy accessible points available for easy maintenance.

Check if the valve closes hard may due to debris lodged in the sealing area.

The valves should not be used to force a pipe line in to the position as this may result in distortion of the valve body.

Installation of Pipe Supports

Pipe Support spacing shall be provided as per the approved shop drawing and supporting details and sections given in the specification.

Pipe mains running in shaft shall be supported by galvanized split clamps as per approved calculation at all levels for the entire loads can be uniformly distributed.

Pipelines, which are not subject to thermal expansion, shall be supported directly to the building structure. Support shall be as per construction detail drawing and approved shop drawings.

Fire fighting pipes shall be fixed and shall run in parallel to the building contour and at the height avoiding the interferences with the structure.

All supporting arrangements shall be provided with proper fixing arrangements.

Horizontal and Vertical pipes shall be supported as per spacing in the Pipe and Fittings specifications.

Automatic Air Release Valves:

Automatic air vents shall be provided at the highest point of piping mains, any riser and drops which forms a loop to purge free air that high pressure during normal operation.

Drain Point Installation

The drain valves shall be installed to blow-off sediments from strainers and tanks at lower level.

Drain points shall be provided at low points for draining and locate where easily accessible.

Drain point location shall be as per approved shop drawings.

Visual Inspection of Installed Pipe Work

The system shall be visually inspected by QC team to ensure that the correct installation procedures have been followed and that the pipes and fittings are adequately supported and restrained in the prescribed manner.

If installation is complete it shall be offered for Engineer’s approval.

Hydro Pressure Testing of Firefighting Piping

Ensure that testing equipment’s / tools and water source are ready.

Pressure shall be applied to the system by means of a pump drawing water from a water container.

The pump discharge shall be connected to the system through a globe valve, check valve, and recently calibrated pressure gauge of suitable range to have the test pressure read in the middle of the range. The range of the pressure gauge shall be twice as the rated test pressure.

After the test pressure is reached, the pump shall be blocked off by closing the globe valve and the variations of pressure in the system shall be monitored.

Check the pipes, pipe joints and accessories for the leakage of water while pumping and if any, attend the fault and rectify.

Ensure and confirm that the air vent installed at higher point to release the air while the water pressure build up gradually during water pumping under pressure test.

Ensure and confirm that the automatic air vents and any other sensitive instruments are either removed or blanked off.

Gauges shall be fixed at different locations to ensure that the required readings are measured.

The system shall be drained in such a way that not to create any thrust at drain point.

Make sure that drain of water shall be carried out in different locations if possible and gradually through drain valves.

Ensure all the leakages are arrested after the correction is made, the pressure test shall be repeated until a completely tight system is ensured and the testing procedure shall be as per specification.

Fire line piping shall be tested at 300 psi hydrostatic pressure.

Prescribed test shall be maintained for two hours without any perceptible drop in pressure.

Ensure that during hydro testing, calibrated pressure gauges are used and this is within the range of test pressure and calibration certificate is available.

Pressure testing documentation shall be submitted along with inspection request for consultant’s approval.

Flushing of Fire Protection Piping Network

After piping is erected and tested, all piping systems shall be cleaned of all mill and welding scale oil, corrosion, and construction debris by technician.

System shall be flushed clean and filled ready for service, immediately after cleaning.

Do not operate pumps or equipment until debris has been removed from the respective system and system has been flushed.

Piping Flushing Procedures :

Ensure that all pipes and fittings installed are leak proof.

Flush supply pipe systems forward (normal direction of flow) to pump suctions. Provide drains in system points, and air vents.

Entire piping systems shall be cleaned by continues circulation of clear, domestic water through drain outlet. Pumps shall not be operated until system is clean.

Automatic devices which can become clogged during the cleaning process shall be disconnected and shall not be connected permanently until cleaning process is complete.

Before installing the sprinkler heads, the complete piping shall be flushed & cleaned by potable water.

Run the pump until the flushing water flow coming out of the piping network is clear and without any solid matter.

Protection of Finished Sections: Completed pipe works shall be protected from damage by ensuring plastic end caps to cover all terminated ends.


Implementation of Health & Safety mechanisms and checks shall be done as per contract agreement and the approved project safety plan.

The safety officer shall carryout the necessary routine inspections.

Safety Lighting: Safety lights will be used in case of power failure ensuring good illumination for the workers.

Green color safety jacket shall be worn on site for all personnel who are in site.

Task Lighting: Adequate lighting will be provided ensuring the good illumination of the working area.

Task Lighting will be connected to the nearest site distribution board which is RCD protected.

Emergency Arrangements: Site general safety procedure will be followed. In case of emergency, the safety officer will stop the work. He will put in to action the emergency arrangements as described in safety Manual.

Risk Control: Risk Assessment and their controls are carried out for the following activity / hazards and enclosed with this method statement.

The safety officer has the right to stop all the Fire Fighting activity, if he is not satisfied with the safety arrangement on site during installation and testing process.

No additional security arrangements over and above those already in place at the site, restricted access to the job site and the maintaining of the boundary fence security guards will be posted on all entrance points being used by vehicles during the camping out of this item of work to control and coordinate traffic movements.

Necessary Records

The following Form(s) / Checklist(s) shall be prepared and raised to verify the above activity to ensure that the activity is carried out as per the contract requirements.


The following documents are enclosed with this method statement:

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